But are all football injuries created equally? On that question, ESPN.com has an intriguing story lead:
Cleveland Browns reserve receiver Syndric Steptoe will miss the season with a torn labrum in his shoulder, and his agent says coach Eric Mangini's decision-making is to blame, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported.Ooh! What did Mangini do? Did he have him practice even though Steptoe said he was injured? Did he pressure him into doing too much to save his job? Did he make him do up-downs until Blue is no longer tired and thirsty?
"Obviously, hindsight gives one a different perspective," Stanley said. "But if the practice had stayed a walk-through, Syndric wouldn't be preparing for season-ending surgery right now. The decision produced a bad result for the kid and the team.''I agree. In fact, I think we should extend his logic much further. If instead of playing football at full speed against other elite athletes who are looking to tackle you with all the force of their bodies, these players were able to run at half speed and not be tackled at all... can you imagine how many fewer injuries there would be?
If the NFL would just completely change the rules and style of the sport that Syndric Steptoe is paid $ 300,520 to play, he would probably have never torn his labrum.
For shame, NFL!
Now, did Mangini have to rub it in by pre-emptively showing the great condition of his labrums at his opening press conference?Debatable. But, I'd like to think that yes, yes he did have to rub it in.
I am suddenly very much in the mood for a hug.
I disagree that the agent comes off as a Syn-Dick. I believe the coach acted like a Man-Weenie. A huge one, as he is indicating in the photograph.